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Estimate Niche Profitability: Google Adsense Keyword Planner

In this guide, we’ll focus on how to estimate niche profitability. Online marketing is filled with opportunities and challenges. One of these challenges is finding a niche that can generate a profitable return. We’ll be estimating in advertising networks such as Google AdSense, one of the industry’s leading platforms.

The current article is "3.9. Estimate Profitability" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 3.8. Measure Competition. Next Article: 3.10. Find Niche: Top Sites

Suppose you’re more interested in affiliate marketing. In that case, your path will be slightly different, involving selecting the exact products or services to promote and comparing the affiliate programs by the payment amount. But for now, let’s dive into the world of Google AdSense and learn how to estimate niche profitability.

Term Examples After Using Google Keyword Planner to Estimate Niche Profitability

Google AdSense has a powerful tool called the Keyword Planner that helps identify profitable keywords within a chosen niche. Check out our Google Adsense Keyword Planner usage guide before continuing. We used the Google Adsense Keyword Planner for estimating niche size a few lessons earlier.

We can find which words or phrases related to our niche can be more profitable when used in the content. For example, consider the term “tea.” The simple, common term might not be profitable. However, if we refine it to “tea for weight loss,” the potential profitability rises.

The above happens because people are willing to pay more for ads related to “tea for weight loss” than just “tea.” It’s about finding the right angle within your niche to maximize income, a fundamental part of estimating niche profitability.

More Examples to Help You Estimate Niche Profitability

How does this work in practical terms? When you use the Google AdSense Keyword Planner, you can enter different keywords, like “Life insurance,” “graphics course,” or “low-cost flights.” The tool will then show you how much, on average, advertisers pay per click for these terms. For instance, “graphics course” might have a higher pay-per-click value than “low-cost flights,” suggesting that a niche related to graphics courses could be more profitable.

Estimate Niche Profitability for Future Products

Estimating niche profitability also involves some clever thinking. If you’re interested in a product yet to be available in your region, you can still estimate its potential profitability. You need to be a bit creative! For example, to determine how much advertisers might pay for a new iPhone model, look at older models or broader categories like “cellular phones” or try to correlate between them.

Applying the same principle to the “tea” example, we could search for “oolong tea” in the Keyword Planner tool. This type of tea is associated with weight loss, and the tool might show it has a higher pay-per-click value than a generic term like “iced tea.”

Save the Results

Once you’ve identified profitable keywords, it’s a good idea to compile them in an Excel file. This file will be your reference guide for profitable keywords, an essential tool to estimate niche profitability. However, remember that values can change, so regular checks are crucial.


To sum up, Google AdSense Keyword Planner is an effective tool for those interested in finding profitable niches in the online marketing world. By concentrating on the pay-per-click costs of specific keywords, you’ll be better equipped to estimate niche profitability and ultimately find success in your chosen field. Remember, the world of online marketing is vast and full of opportunities. With this tool, it’s easier to unlock its potential.

The current article is "3.9. Estimate Profitability" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 3.8. Measure Competition. Next Article: 3.10. Find Niche: Top Sites


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