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Measure Niche Competition: Beyond Search Result Counts

Measure Niche Competition in SERPs: The Mistake

In this article, we’ll explain why the number of search results in SERPs doesn’t always equal competition and guide you on measuring niche competition. Many beginners in online business make a mistake: they choose their niche only by looking at how many results there are for a word or ‘keyword.’ They think that the more results there are for a term, the more competitive that area is.

The current article is "3.8. Measure Competition" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 3.7. Estimate Niche Size. Next Article: 3.9. Estimate Profitability

Understanding with an Example

Suppose we take a word like ‘one.’ If you look it up on Google, you’ll find over 25 billion results. Compare this with ‘poker games,’ which show 225 million results. At first glance, when we want to measure niche competition, ‘one’ seems to be a more competitive keyword than ‘poker games,’ but it’s not.

Why is this? We must distinguish the “number of search results” from “how competitive a keyword is.” The word ‘one’ is general and can be used in many different ways, appearing in many search results. ‘Poker games,’ however, is more specific. Even though it doesn’t show up as much, it’s in a highly competitive area: online gaming.

One method to measure niche competition is to look at the number of paid advertisements, or ‘sponsored links,’ on the page with the search results. These are ads that companies pay for. They do this by bidding on specific words so they can be one of the first results people see. The more sponsored links for a keyword, the more companies try to get noticed in that area, which means there’s much competition.

For example, search for ‘laptop’ on Google to measure niche competition. You’ll find many sponsored links at the top of the page, which tells us many companies compete to get noticed under this keyword. These links usually have a banner next to them that says ‘[Sponsored],’ so they’re easy to spot.

What does this mean for you if you want to start an online business? You need to understand the competition in the area you choose. Don’t just look at the number of results in SERPs. Check the number of sponsored links and how many pages have them to measure niche competition more accurately.


In conclusion, while jumping into an area with millions of search results is tempting, measuring niche competition is crucial. By doing so, you’ll not only save time and money but also give your business a better chance at success. The goal isn’t just to join the race but to stand a real chance at winning it.

The current article is "3.8. Measure Competition" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 3.7. Estimate Niche Size. Next Article: 3.9. Estimate Profitability


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