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Does WordPress Use Cookies? What You Need to Know

Does WordPress Use Cookies? Yes, It Does!

When building or managing a website, you might wonder, “Does WordPress use cookies?” The answer is a resounding yes. We’ll explain what cookies are and how WordPress uses them. The information is regarding WordPress version 6; later versions may have different operational core, which you should check.

The current article is "7.6. WordPress Cookies Usage" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.5. About Us Page Creation. Next Article: 7.7. Cookie Consent Banner

Cookies are files – small text files. These files are stored by the websites that you visit on your computer. They’re used for various purposes, like keeping track of your preferences or letting you stay logged into a website. Read more about Cookies on CloudFlare Docs.

WordPress Core and Authentication Cookies

WordPress core uses cookies primarily for authentication. When you log into the site, cookies store your authentication details. The cookie files allow you to stay logged in while navigating the site. It’s a fundamental feature that enables you to log in and seamlessly change your website. If your visitors don’t have to log in to view content on your website, then this type of cookie doesn’t matter to them.

WordPress Core and Comment Cookies

Another way WordPress core uses cookies is for comments. If you’ve ever left a comment on a WordPress site with comments enabled, you might have noticed that your details (like your name and email address) were saved for future comments. That’s because WordPress uses cookies to store these details so that you don’t have to re-enter them every time you want to leave a comment. This type of cookie can be turned off through the WordPress Discussion Settings in the “Other comment settings.”

WordPress Plugins and Third-Party Cookies

You might ask, “Does WordPress use cookies in other ways?” Well, many WordPress plugins may set their own cookies for various purposes. These could include tracking user behavior, personalizing content, or enabling specific features. If you install plugins on your WordPress site, you must know the additional cookies they might use.

Analytics Cookies

WordPress site owners often use analytics tools like Google Analytics that employ cookies to gather data on how visitors interact with the site. This data helps in improving the site for a better user experience. However, analytics services like Plausible Analytics don’t implement cookies to track user traffic (GDPR compliant).

Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are indispensable for a website to function properly and provide the expected services to the user. These cookies ensure the basic functionalities and security features of the website. For instance, they are crucial for navigating through pages, accessing secure site areas, and remembering items in a shopping cart during a session.

In WordPress, necessary cookies are employed to manage user logins and to maintain session integrity as users interact with the site. Without these essential cookies, a WordPress site would not be able to operate correctly, and users might find it difficult or impossible to access certain features or areas of the site.

Moreover, necessary cookies do not usually require consent from the user, as they are fundamental for the website’s operation. However, it’s still a good practice for website owners to inform visitors about such cookies, promoting transparency and building trust with the audience.

So, we can understand that Authentication cookies and Comments cookies are necessary cookies, while Third-Party cookies may not be, and certainly Analytics cookies are not necessary.

Privacy Laws and Cookies

It’s crucial to note that the use of cookies falls under data protection and privacy laws like the GDPR in the European Union. Website owners must inform their visitors about their cookies in the Privacy Policy/Cookie Policy and why they use them. Moreover, they must get the visitor’s consent for certain types of cookies.

How to Check if a Website Uses Cookies

Here is a way to check if a WordPress website uses cookies if you’re using Google Chrome or any Chromium-based web browser:

Press the [F12] keyboard key to open the Developer Tools tab.
You also can navigate there from the top browser menu by clicking on the top right menu “three vertical dots icon” => [Settings] => [More tools] => [Developer tools].
Click the [Application] tab.
On the left menu bar in the Developer Tools tab, click on [Storage].
In the new section on the left menu bar, click on [Cookies].
You should see the cookies on the right pane of the Developer Tools.

Of course, it’s essential to check not only the static navigation to a webpage. You need to check if dynamic actions on this page may also store a cookie. For example, leave a comment and see if a cookie is created under the [Cookie] section.


WordPress core does use cookies for several purposes, including authentication and comments. It might use others depending on plugins and services integrated into the platform. Website owners must understand their responsibilities regarding cookies and privacy laws.

The current article is "7.6. WordPress Cookies Usage" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.5. About Us Page Creation. Next Article: 7.7. Cookie Consent Banner


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