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How to Create a WordPress Page: From Setup to Publishing

Have you ever wondered how to create a WordPress page? Whether setting up a personal blog or launching a business site, mastering this fundamental skill is essential. Ensuring your content is optimized for those unfamiliar with the world of SEO or Search Engine Optimization can be overwhelming. This article simplifies the process for you.

The current article is "7.2. Creating Pages" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.1. Removing Pages. Next Article: 7.3. Create a Homepage

Understanding a WordPress Page

In the digital realm of WordPress, the term ‘page’ holds a unique meaning. Unlike posts, which are dynamic and frequently updated, a page in WordPress is designed for static content. Think of it as the backbone or foundation of your website.

Pages are the sections that usually remain unchanged and are not time-sensitive. Common examples include the “About Us,” “Contact,” “Services,” or “Privacy Policy” sections. They don’t follow a chronological order like blog posts. Instead, they provide essential information; you can conveniently link them in your site’s navigation menu for easy access.

Knowing how to effectively create a page in WordPress is essential, as it helps you structure your website and guide your visitors to the information they seek.

How to Create a Page in WordPress: Step-by-Step

Navigating to the Pages Section

Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
On the left side menu bar, hover over [Pages], then click on [Add New].

Setting Up Your New Page

Now, you’re presented with an editor. Here’s what you need to know:

Page Title: You’ll first notice a place for your title at the top. This is the name of your page and arguably its most crucial element.

Adding Content: Directly below, there’s a space waiting for your content. This block editor might seem daunting to those unfamiliar, but it’s your tool to add paragraphs, images, and videos. Click on the plus (+) sign to get started.

Every website has its unique style. Yours might have a theme offering “Page Attributes” on the right. This feature allows you to set parent pages or choose a specific template style to create a WordPress page matching your site’s aesthetic.

Visual Enhancements

Don’t forget the “Featured Image” option on the right. It’s not mandatory, but adding a representative image can elevate your page’s appeal.

Preview and Publish

Before making your page live, always preview it. The “Preview” button lets you do just that. Happy with what you see? Click “Publish,” and you’ve created a page in WordPress! If you’re hesitant, save it as a draft and return to it later.

Additional WordPress and Plugin Settings While Creating Pages

Comments and WordPress Pages

Regarding WordPress, it’s common practice to turn off comments on pages. Why? Pages are designed for static content like “About Us,” “Services,” or “Contact.” They present foundational information about your website, brand, or business. Unlike blog posts, which are dynamic and aim to invite discussion and interaction, pages are more about conveying essential, unchanging information.

Having a comment section on such pages can distract visitors and dilute the primary message. Moreover, it can make the page look cluttered and less professional. So, while it’s essential to foster engagement, it’s equally crucial to know where and when. For most, enabling comments on blog posts and disabling them on static pages strikes the right balance.

SEO Practices for Specific WordPress Pages

Certain pages on your website, such as “Contact Us” or “Privacy Policy,” serve essential functional purposes but might not provide significant value in search engine results. Indexing these while creating WordPress pages can clutter the search engine results with pages that aren’t necessarily the primary content a user might be looking for when they type in a related query.

Moreover, these pages typically don’t attract organic traffic and don’t contribute to your site’s SEO goals. As for adding a “no follow” tag to the links on these pages, it’s a way of telling search engines not to pass on SEO equity to those linked pages. This can be especially useful if you’re linking to external sites or pages to which you don’t want to endorse or pass ranking power.

In essence, by making these strategic decisions, you can ensure that search engines focus on crawling and indexing the pages that truly matter, helping users find the most relevant content on your site.

Turning off the “Related Posts” feature on static pages is a good practice for WordPress websites. Static pages, like “About Us” or “Services,” serve a specific purpose – to provide essential information about your site, brand, or business. These pages aim to clearly and concisely convey this information to your visitors.

Adding “Related Posts” to such pages can create distractions and lead visitors away from the primary content. In contrast, “Related Posts” are better suited for blog posts or articles that keep readers engaged and explore your site even more.

The same goes for Featured Images on public pages. Turning off featured images on static pages can be a good practice. As static pages present essential information, it’s crucial to minimize distractions. While featured images can be visually engaging for blog posts and articles, they might divert attention to static pages.

Read More

You can read more about Creating Pages in WordPress in the WordPress Docs.


Remember, creating pages in WordPress serves static content, like “About Us” or “Services.” Regular updates, on the other hand, belong to “Posts”. To enhance user experience, consider adding your new page to a menu or adjusting its position in an existing one. Navigate to Appearance > Menus to tweak this.

The current article is "7.2. Creating Pages" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.1. Removing Pages. Next Article: 7.3. Create a Homepage


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