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File Manager WordPress Plugin, Overview and Usage

WP File Manager WordPress plugin

The File Manager WordPress plugin is a highly versatile tool that is integral to many successful WordPress setups. The plugin, also known as WP File Manager, is primarily designed to assist users in efficiently administrating their website files directly from the WordPress dashboard. This plugin is an absolute game-changer. In essence, it acts similarly to a conventional desktop file manager but with various powerful functions that simplify and streamline the management of files and directories within WordPress.

Unleashing the Power of File Manager WordPress Plugin

This impressive plugin encompasses an extensive array of key features. First, let’s discuss its file operations. With the plugin, you can perform various standard tasks, such as creating, uploading, downloading, deleting, cutting, copying, and moving files. All these tasks are at your fingertips, right within your WordPress dashboard.

Archive and Extract Features of File Manager WordPress Plugin

A standout feature of the plugin is its ability to archive and extract files. The plugin simplifies the creation of zip archives and the extraction of files, reducing the need for external software or technical skills.

Searching Files and Folders

Finding specific files or directories is a breeze with the plugin. Its built-in search functionality is designed to ease navigation and improve overall site management.

PRO: Editing Capabilities

Further enhancing its usability, the File Manager WordPress plugin has integrated editors for code files. These include HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript, plain text, and image files. This means you can conduct edits directly within the WordPress admin area, bypassing the need for standalone editing tools.

PRO: Overcoming the Upload Limit with File Manager WordPress Plugin

Another advantage of the plugin is its capacity to overcome the maximum file upload size limit. This PRO feature enables the upload of significantly larger files than the default settings of WordPress permit.

PRO: User Roles and Permissions

The plugin customizes user roles and permissions for website administrators desiring granular control. You have the freedom to permit or restrict access to the plugin based on these user roles, enhancing the security and functionality of your WordPress site.

PRO: Shortcodes

Finally, the plugin embraces the power of shortcodes, allowing the seamless embedding of files and directories within your posts or pages.

Why Use WordPress Plugin Instead of Hosting Provider File Manager

Of course, using the File Manager within your hosting provider directly is better. The fewer plugins you install in WordPress, the better. Not all hosting providers allow you to use File Manager in the console (CloudWays, though they have an FTP option), so the plugin is the easiest option. Since the times you need to alter or check the files are limited, it is better to install the plugin only when needed and then remove it after usage. You don’t want plugins you don’t use daily to be installed within your platform.

Installing Redis Object Cache WordPress Plugin

You can install the plugin using our WordPress Plugin Installation Guide article of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Search for: File Manager By mndpsingh287.

WP File Manager WordPress Plugin Usage

Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
Click on [WP File Manager] on the left side menu bar.
The “Welcome to File Manager” window will pop up if you enter the first time. Click [NO THANKS].

On the main page, you can navigate your WordPress installation folders.
There is not much to set. If you buy the PRO version, then there will be.


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