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Arranging Content Before Posting: Files, Folders & Template

If you’re interested in digital marketing, you may not realize the importance of arranging content before posting for your online presence. As you delve into content creation, you’ll find that how you organize and prepare your content can significantly impact your website’s performance. You can streamline the content creation process by writing in Word files and organizing these files into folders based on categories.

The current article is "8.1. Arrange Content" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.11. Creating Menus. Next Article: 8.2. Creating Tags & Categories

Using Word Files for Content Management

In-built Proofreading and Editing Tools

Word processors have spell-check and grammar-checking tools. These tools enable you to proofread your text for grammar and spelling errors before posting it to WordPress. However, the Grammarly Premium grammar and spelling correction tool has a simpler interactive interface and a broader range of checks.

The Ability to Save Drafts

With Word files, you can easily save drafts of your content and return to them later for further editing or additions. Arranging content before posting becomes seamless as you can work on your content at your own pace.

Document Versioning

If you need to revert to a previous version of a document, Word processors typically offer versioning features. You can view and access earlier versions of your document, which can be especially useful when making edits.

Collaborate with Others

Word files allow for easy collaboration. You can share your files with other team members who can provide feedback, suggest edits, or assist in proofreading.

Image and Other Media Files

Don’t put images into a Word file while arranging content before posting. If you have images, you must first optimize images for the web. After optimization, you can set the Word and media files to the same folder, naming them after the post name.

Organizing Your Content into Folders

Identify Your Categories: Determine the categories that best suit your website’s content. These should be broad enough to encompass various topics but specific enough to define the content clearly.

Create Category-Based Folders: Once you have your categories, create a folder for each one on your computer. Name each folder according to its respective category.

Use Sub-Categories If Needed: If applicable, create sub-folders within each category folder for further organization. For instance, you might have sub-folders under a ‘Travel’ category for different countries.

Move Your Files: Move your Word files into the appropriate folders based on their categories. This will make it easier to locate content when it’s time to post it to WordPress.

Maintain Consistency: Keep a consistent naming convention for your files and folders. This will make it simpler for you or your team to find content when needed.

Regularly Back Up Your Content: Regularly back up your content folders to cloud storage, an external hard drive, or another backup solution. This ensures that your content is always safe and accessible.

Posting Your Content on WordPress

Once you have finished arranging content before posting, you can paste the content into the WordPress editor.

Transfer Content from Word to WordPress: Open the Word file, select all the content, and copy it. Paste it into the post editor in WordPress. Double-check the formatting and adjust as needed.

Add Media Elements: Insert any required images, videos, or other media into your post.

Optimize for SEO: SEO your post by adding a keyword-rich title, meta description, and proper use of header tags. Remember, if you make changes inside a WordPress post, manually synchronize them with your Word file.

Publish Your Post: Click the ‘Publish’ button when everything looks good.

Example of Content Arranging with Folder Hierarchy

Let’s say you have a website with the domain name “yourdomain.com” that covers topics related to Travel, Food, Fashion, Technology, and Health.
To arrange the content before posting for this website, you can set up a main folder named “/yourdomain.com” on your computer.
Inside this main folder, create five sub-folders corresponding to the categories – “Travel”, “Food”, “Fashion”, “Technology”, and “Health”.

Imagine you’re working on a post for the “Travel” category about “Top 10 Beach Destinations in Southeast Asia”. Create a new folder within the “Travel” sub-folder and name it “Top 10 Beach Destinations in Southeast Asia”. In this post folder, you can save the Word document for the post along with any images you intend to use. For instance, you may have an image showcasing the beauty of the beaches in Bali, another for the Phi Phi Islands in Thailand, and a third for Sihanoukville in Cambodia.

Your folder hierarchy will look like this:

D:\yourdomain.com\Content\Travel\Top 10 Beach Destinations in Southeast Asia
    Top 10 Beach Destinations in Southeast Asia.docx

By arranging content before posting in this way, you create a structured and organized approach to content creation. Each post and its associated images are neatly stored within their respective category folders, making it easy to find and post content when needed.

Using a Template in Your Word Documents

Another helpful practice in arranging content before posting is using templates in your Word documents. This ensures that each of your posts follows a consistent format, making it easier to optimize for SEO and post on WordPress. At the beginning of each Word document, you can include placeholders for essential elements:

Title: This is the Title Tag of your post, an essential element for SEO and the first thing your readers will see. Make sure it is engaging and contains the targeted keyword or keyphrase.

Tags: These are the WordPress Tags that help categorize your post. Include a few relevant tags that accurately describe your post’s content. We discussed the creation of tags and categories in the previous article.

Excerpt: This is the Meta Description for SEO purposes and will also serve as the Excerpt for the post on your site’s category pages. It should provide a brief, compelling summary of your post’s content.

Keyphrase: This is the SEO keyphrase that you’re targeting in your post. It should be a relevant phrase that potential readers might use to search for the information provided in your post. We will use it in Yoast SEO to help us SEO our content.

After filling in these placeholders, you can write your post’s content. Using a template like this for each of your Word documents ensures you don’t forget any essential elements for SEO optimization and WordPress posting. It also saves time as you don’t have to format and include these elements separately each time you create a new post.

Empty Template:



Arranging content before posting is critical to a successful online presence. By following these steps, you can efficiently create, organize, and publish content that will resonate with your audience and boost your website’s performance.

The current article is "8.1. Arrange Content" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 7.11. Creating Menus. Next Article: 8.2. Creating Tags & Categories


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