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How to Monitor Website Content Analytics with Plausible

The article will cover how to monitor website content analytics, read the dashboard, and correlate the metrics.

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How to Monitor Website Content Analytics with Plausible Analytics

Monitoring website content analytics is an essential task for website owners. You must understand how well your content performs as your website grows and evolves. This helps you determine what resonates with your audience and what may need improvement. Plausible Analytics provides a privacy-centric alternative to tools like Google Analytics. It is becoming increasingly popular for its simplicity and respect for user privacy. This article will explain using Plausible Analytics to monitor website content analytics in WordPress.

Note: Even though we use Plausible Analytics, this guide can easily be used with any other analytics software you might use (like Google Analytics).

Install Plausible Analytics

If you still haven’t finished this step, it is time to Install and Set Up Plausible Analytics on your WordPress Website. Or any other analytics tool, and then come back here later when you will see some data.

Understand Your Dashboard

Traffic Metrics: Familiarize yourself with the main dashboard to grasp total pageviews, unique visitors, and bounce rates for your content.

Time Period: Use the date range selector to analyze short-term trends or view your content’s performance over a broader period.

Identify Top Pages

Content Popularity: Find out which articles or pages receive the most attention. This can guide your strategy and show what topics or styles captivate your audience.

Engagement Metrics: Besides page views, monitor the average time spent on these popular pages to measure reader engagement.

Analyze Referral Traffic

Source Analysis: Discover the external sources driving traffic to your content. This insight can help evaluate the success of your outreach or backlink strategy.

Social Media Insights: Identify the social platforms that bring the most traffic to your content, aiding in tailoring your social media strategy.

Track UTM Parameters

Campaign Tracking: If you promote your content through email newsletters or specific marketing campaigns, Plausible Analytics’ UTM parameters can help monitor website content analytics for these campaigns.

UTM parameters are specific text tags that you can attach to the URLs of your website. They track the performance of your web content and marketing campaigns.

UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module, which originated from Urchin Software Company before its acquisition by Google. These parameters allow you to see where your website’s traffic is coming from, how it interacts with your site, and why it might be coming. Their information includes the specific campaigns that drive traffic, the platform visitors come from, and even the keywords used in your ads.

Essentially, UTM parameters give you a clearer understanding of your online marketing efforts, enabling you to monitor website content analytics effectively and optimize your strategies based on data-driven insights.

Check Country and Device Metrics

Audience Demographics: Learn where your audience is located geographically, which is valuable for content tailored to specific regions.

Device Breakdown: Assess whether users access your content more from desktops, tablets, or mobile devices. This information provides insights for optimization, ensuring your content looks and performs well on popular devices.

Review Exit Pages

Drop-offs: Identify where users frequently leave your site. If a particular article has a high exit rate, it may be time to revisit its content or CTA strategy.

Monitor Goal Conversions

Content Goals: If you have set specific goals in Plausible, such as newsletter signups or product inquiries, track how often these goals are met on specific content pages.


Regularly reviewing and interpreting these metrics can refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions catering to your audience’s preferences and behaviors. With the right tools, monitoring website content analytics and optimizing your content to serve your readers better becomes easier.

The current article is "8.10. Monitor Website Analytics" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 8.9. Bulk Post Editing. Next Article: 8.11. Content Posting Frequency


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