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Paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg Blocks in WordPress

Are you looking for an efficient way to paste content from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg in WordPress? If you are interested in SEO or content management, this process may be a little intimidating. But fear not! We will guide you with this step-by-step guide.

The current article is "8.8. Paste Word to Gutenberg" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 8.7. Create a Post in WordPress. Next Article: 8.9. Bulk Post Editing

Preparing Your Microsoft Word Document

Before starting to paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg, ensure your Word document is well-structured. Use proper headings, lists, and other formatting options to organize your content. Remove any unnecessary formatting elements.

Copy Your Text: Open the Microsoft Word document you prepared and select the text you want to transfer to WordPress. Then, copy the selected content by pressing Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd+C (Mac).

Create a New Post in WordPress: After you’ve copied your text, log in to your WordPress website. From the dashboard, select ‘Posts,’ then ‘Add New’ to create a new post. Once the Gutenberg editor is open, you can add a title for your new post.

Paste Your Text: Click on the empty block beneath the title or press Enter to create a new block. Right-click then ‘Paste,’ or press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd+V (Mac). The Gutenberg editor will automatically convert your pasted content into separate blocks based on your Word document’s formatting. You’ll see headings become heading blocks and lists become list blocks.

Paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg: Understanding Formatting Options

When you paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg blocks in WordPress, it’s important to note that some formatting options are carried over as-is, while others may require manual adjustment.

For instance, the transfer process generally retains basic text formats such as bold and italic. Similarly, headings (such as Heading 1, 2, and the rest) are automatically converted into corresponding heading blocks in the Gutenberg editor. Bullet points and numbered lists from your Word document will also become list blocks.

However, more complex elements like tables, text boxes, or specific text alignment styles might not always be transferred perfectly. It’s crucial to review your content after pasting it into the Gutenberg editor to ensure that all formatting is as you intended. If anything looks out of place, you can easily edit it using the Gutenberg block options and settings.

We tested content paste of these formatting options from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg blocks.

Options that work

Headings (Heading 2, Heading 3, and the rest). Remember that Heading 1 is for the Title.



Links. By default, links don’t open in a new tab. To make them, right-click the link in Microsoft Word, click [Edit Hyperlink…], and click on [Target Frame…]. Change the default [Page Default (none)] setting to [New window]. Click [OK] on both windows to finish the setup. When you paste this link into WordPress Gutenberg blocks, it will be automatically set to open in a new window/tab.

Options that don’t work


Preformatted text.

Options that work with additional steps

Preformatted text -> Preformatted Block.
You can add a custom code to the functions.php file of your WordPress Child theme to convert text between custom markers like {{pre}} and {{/pre}} to the preformatted block. This means that when you copy text between these custom markers from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg Editor, the text between the markers will be converted to a preformatted block after you publish the post. The original text in the editor is not altered; only the view is shown to the users on the frontend.

Code text -> Code Block.
You can add a custom code to the functions.php file of your WordPress Child theme to convert text between custom markers like {{code}} and {{/code}} to code block. This works exactly the same as the preformatted block discussed before for code blocks.

Paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg: Edit Your Blocks

To paste from Word to Gutenberg seamlessly, you might need manual adjustments. Check the layout of your content in the Gutenberg editor. If any blocks are not formatted correctly, click on them to edit. Use the block options on the right side of the screen to customize your blocks. You can change the block type, adjust the alignment, and more. To add new blocks, click on the plus icon at the top left or press Enter at the end of a block.

Add Images

When you paste from Word to Gutenberg, images must be added separately. Locate where you want to insert an image in your post, click the plus icon, and choose ‘Image.’ You can upload images directly or use images from your WordPress media library. After uploading, you can adjust the size, alignment, and caption if necessary.

Preview and Publish

Lastly, preview your post by clicking the ‘Preview’ button. Check your content’s formatting and layout, and make any necessary adjustments. Once you’re happy with its appearance, click the ‘Publish’ button to make your post live.


Learning to paste from Microsoft Word to Gutenberg in WordPress can be daunting. However, following these straightforward steps, you can quickly and efficiently transfer your well-formatted content from your Word documents to your WordPress site. As you get more familiar with the process, you’ll find optimizing your content for SEO easier, improving your website’s visibility and reach.

The current article is "8.8. Paste Word to Gutenberg" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 8.7. Create a Post in WordPress. Next Article: 8.9. Bulk Post Editing


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