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AI-Generated Content: Google’s Take on Automation in SEO

Understanding Google’s Stance on AI-Generated Content

As an SEO expert, it’s essential to understand how Google views AI-generated content. Google’s approach to AI-generated content is outlined in a blog post on their developer website.

The current article is "2.11. Google’s Take: AI Content" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 2.10. Duplicate Content. Next Article: 2.12. Create an SEO Post Title

Quality Over Creation Method

Google’s ranking system evaluates content based on its quality, not how it was created. Whether content is written by humans or generated by AI, what matters is its quality. Google uses the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) criteria to assess content quality (as discussed in the previous article). Content that meets these criteria is considered high-quality.

Automation for Useful Content

Google acknowledges that automation, including AI-generated content, has been used for a long time to create helpful content. Examples include sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcriptions. AI can be a valuable tool for creating high-quality web content. However, using automation, including AI, primarily to manipulate search rankings is against Google’s spam policy.

Advice for AI Content Creators

If you’re considering using AI-generated content, Google advises creating original, high-quality, user-first content that meets the E-E-A-T criteria. The creation method is not the focus of evaluation; the content itself is. Google recommends disclosing the use of AI in content creation when it might be relevant to the audience.


Google clarifies that AI-generated content doesn’t violate its guidelines as long as it’s used appropriately. It doesn’t ban such content because automation has been used for helpful content creation for a long time. Google has systems to assess content usefulness and prioritize original news reporting.

Crafting AI-Generated Content

After generating AI content, it’s essential to edit and refine the output to suit your website’s tone and style. AI-generated content can serve as a helpful starting point, but it should be customized to resonate with your audience.

Add personal experiences and anecdotes, making the content more relatable and engaging. Fact-check the AI’s information and ensure that it aligns with credible sources. Adding sources enhances your content’s credibility and demonstrates that you’ve done your research.

Remember, while AI can be a valuable tool for content creation, the final product should reflect your unique voice and perspective. Crafting AI-generated content with care and attention to detail will result in high-quality content that resonates with your audience and meets Google’s E-A-T guidelines.

Limitations of AI Content Analysis Tools

Currently, tools that claim to analyze content for AI automation are not entirely reliable.

The rapid advancements in AI technology have made it increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-written and AI-generated content. AI models can now produce content that closely mimics human writing styles, making it challenging for automated tools to detect AI-generated content accurately.

Additionally, these tools may produce false positives or negatives, leading to inaccurate assessments. It’s important to note that while AI automation is valuable, use it with human oversight.


Google’s stance on AI-generated content is clear. Quality is critical, regardless of how content is created. AI can be a valuable tool for creating high-quality content, but it should be used responsibly. As an SEO expert, it’s important to remember these guidelines when creating or evaluating AI-generated content.

The current article is "2.11. Google’s Take: AI Content" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 2.10. Duplicate Content. Next Article: 2.12. Create an SEO Post Title


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