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What is Google E-E-A-T: The SEO Framework You Need to Know

What is Google E-E-A-T and Why It’s Important

Google E-E-A-T is a framework and a guideline that plays a significant role in Google’s ranking process, though not a direct ranking factor. Google provides a framework for you to do the right thing when writing content. Many of Google’s ranking factors use parts of E-E-A-T. Whether new to SEO or looking to deepen your knowledge, this article will explain what Google E-E-A-T is and why it matters.

The current article is "2.1. What is Google E-E-A-T" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 1.5. Organic vs. Paid Search. Next Article: 2.2. Keywords in SEO

Understanding Google E-E-A-T

In December 2022, Google expanded its E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) framework to include Experience, making it E-E-A-T. Let’s break down what each part of Google E-E-A-T stands for:

Experience: The new addition, Experience, emphasizes the importance of personal, first-hand experience with the subject matter. Google E-E-A-T prefers content created by individuals with real-life experience in their writing topics. For instance, a product review from someone who has personally used the item is more reliable than one from someone who hasn’t.

Expertise: The framework values expertise in content creation. Expertise means having a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject. Content creators don’t always need formal education or training but should provide well-researched, accurate, and helpful information. Expertise shines through in-depth, knowledgeable content that addresses the audience’s needs.

Authoritativeness: The third element of Google E-E-A-T is authoritativeness. This refers to the credibility and recognition of the content creator and the website hosting the content. Authoritativeness is earned through mentions or citations from reputable sources, endorsements from industry leaders, or features in recognized publications. You can establish authority and gain credibility by building a solid reputation in your field.

Trustworthiness: Google E-E-A-T also considers trustworthiness. It’s about the reliability and transparency of your content and website. Building trust makes users feel confident in the information you provide. To enhance trustworthiness, use a secure website, provide accurate information, disclose conflicts of interest, and offer accessible contact details.

How to Improve Your Google E-E-A-T

Improving your Google E-E-A-T involves focusing on each element:

Share Real Experiences: Highlight your first-hand experiences when writing about topics you’re familiar with. Share your insights and knowledge to provide a more reliable perspective.

Showcase Expertise: Deliver high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise. Address your audience’s questions and needs with well-researched and comprehensive information.

Build Credibility: Establish authoritativeness by seeking endorsements, testimonials, and mentions from reputable sources. Showcase your credentials, qualifications, and recognition in your field.

Ensure Transparency: Promote trustworthiness by providing transparent information about your business and any conflicts of interest. Use a secure website and regularly update your content to ensure accuracy.

Expanding E-E-A-T Understanding

This article is only the tip of the iceberg. It would help if you read the E-E-A-T comprehensive guide from Yoast, which has valuable insights about this framework and will help you understand it.


Google E-E-A-T is vital in ranking, though it is not a direct ranking factor. By focusing on Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness, you can improve your website’s SEO and provide more valuable content to your audience. Prioritizing the framework helps you create content that genuinely benefits your audience while enhancing your online presence.

The current article is "2.1. What is Google E-E-A-T" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 1.5. Organic vs. Paid Search. Next Article: 2.2. Keywords in SEO


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