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Accessing the WordPress Administration Panel Management

One crucial aspect to understand when creating a website using WordPress is accessing the WordPress administration panel, the heart of your website’s operation. This guide provides clear, step-by-step instructions, making it easy even for those new to the digital sphere.

The current article is "5.2. WordPress Admin Panel" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 5.1. Create a Brand Logo. Next Article: 5.3. Create/Remove Users

What is the WordPress Administration Panel?

Firstly, it’s essential to clarify what the WordPress administration panel is. Also known as the WordPress dashboard, it’s the control center for your website. This is where you can add content, install plugins, change design themes, and adjust various settings.

Getting WordPress Credentials from CloudWays

If you used CloudWays to install WordPress, there would be first-entry credentials set up for you.
Login to CloudWays website.
Click [Servers] on the top menu bar.
Click “WWW: on your server and select your WordPress application.
Click [Access Details] on the left menu panel.
Under the “ADMIN PANEL” section, you will see your WP-Admin Username and Password.

How to Access Your WordPress Administration Panel?

Open your preferred internet browser.
Input the URL of your website in the address bar of your browser. Ensure you use the correct URL to avoid any potential issues.
Following your website’s URL, add ‘/wp-admin’ in the same line. This suffix is a direct link to your WordPress login page. For instance, if your site is ‘www.yoursite.com,’ you would type ‘www.yoursite.com/wp-admin’ in the browser.
After hitting ‘Enter,’ you’ll be redirected to the login screen of the WordPress administration panel. You’ll be prompted to input your unique username (or registered email address) and password here.

Click the ‘Login’ button once you’ve correctly entered your credentials. You’ll be granted access to your WordPress administration panel if they’re accurate. This is where you can start modifying your site to meet your specific needs.

Maintaining Security While Accessing WordPress Administration Panel

As a word of advice, keeping your login credentials secure when accessing the WordPress administration panel is vital. Regularly updating your password contributes to the safety of your site. If you ever forget or lose your password, don’t worry. You can use the ‘Lost your password?’ link on the login screen.


With this guide, we’ve made accessing the WordPress administration panel a straightforward process. You’re now well-equipped to manage and customize your site to your heart’s content. Remember, your WordPress administration panel is the gateway to all your site’s operations, so familiarize yourself with it and ensure it’s always secure.

The current article is "5.2. WordPress Admin Panel" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 5.1. Create a Brand Logo. Next Article: 5.3. Create/Remove Users


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