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Moderating Comments in WordPress: Healthy Communication

When managing and moderating comments on a WordPress website, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines and actively engage with your online community. These best practices will help foster a positive and respectful online space for all users.

The current article is "10.2. Moderating Comments" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 10.1. Remove Website Redirects. Next Article: 10.3. Daily Website Management

Managing and Moderating Comments in WordPress for a Healthier Online Community

Set Clear Commenting Guidelines

Start by outlining clear commenting guidelines on your website. Place them in an easily accessible area, such as your website’s footer, about page, or directly above the comment section. These guidelines should clarify what types of comments are welcome and what types are not.

Use WordPress’ Built-In Comment Moderation Tools

WordPress provides built-in settings for comment moderation. Navigate to Settings > Discussion in your WordPress dashboard and set up comment moderation rules that meet your needs. You can require manual approval for all comments or only for comments that contain specific words. If you’ve been following our SEO Guide Box from the beginning, we already set these options in the WordPress Discussion Settings article.

Use Spam and Comment Moderation Plugins

Consider using WordPress plugins to help with managing and moderating comments. Popular options like Akismet filter out spam. Which also should be already configured.

Actively Moderate Comments on your WordPress Site

Regularly check the comments on your website for any that might have slipped through automated filters or violated your guidelines. Address these comments promptly to set a positive tone for your community. It would help if you showed your users that the site is alive and quickly answered and moderated your comments section.

Engage with Your Online Community

Engaging with your community, responding, and contributing to the discussion is essential to managing and moderating comments. This encourages positive interactions and makes establishing a community that respects your guidelines easier. If someone compliments you, don’t hesitate to thank the comment’s author.

Be Transparent in Comment Moderation on your WordPress Site

When you delete or modify a comment, let the commenter know why. If their comment violated your guidelines, point them to the broken rule. Transparency in managing and moderating comments creates a sense of fairness and discourages future problematic comments. Of course, this is more relevant to complex systems than essential WordPress commenting.

Stay Calm and Professional

As a moderator, you may encounter negative or even abusive comments. Stay calm and professional in these situations. Avoid arguments with users; instead, focus on managing and moderating comments on your WordPress site to maintain a positive and respectful community.

Update Your Commenting Guidelines

Please review and update your commenting guidelines to remain relevant and effective. As your website grows and your community evolves, your guidelines may need adjustment to serve your community better.

Links in comments can be a double-edged sword. While they can add value to a discussion, they can also be used for spam or linking to inappropriate content.

Pay extra attention when managing and moderating comments containing links. Use WordPress settings to hold comments with links for moderation automatically. Scrutinize these comments and check the linked content to ensure it’s relevant and safe.

If you allow a link, ensure it adds value to the conversation and adheres to your commenting guidelines. Periodically review and update your guidelines regarding links in comments, and communicate these rules clearly to your audience.

You can convert links to text so you will not deal with it as an actual “link” (like setting “nofollow” and other rel tags).


Managing and moderating comments on your WordPress website involves setting clear guidelines, using WordPress settings and plugins, and actively engaging with your online community. By being transparent and professional in your moderation efforts, you’ll be well on your way to building a vibrant and respectful community.

The current article is "10.2. Moderating Comments" of our Complete SEO Guide Box.
Previous Article: 10.1. Remove Website Redirects. Next Article: 10.3. Daily Website Management


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